About us
Collaborate with other music cities professionals
Expand your global network
Share and get inspired by the best uses of music
Promote your organisation & city
We organise the biggest international conferences on the topic of music cities, music policy and music tourism. We produce the leading international awards ceremony on music cities - the Music Cities Awards, and we run the Music Cities Community, the first-ever platform for professionals in all industries using music to create more value in towns, cities & places.
In everything we do, we aim to educate on the value of music, and showcase the best uses of music by individuals, organisations and cities all over the world.
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What We Stand For
United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals
Our commitment
Music Cities Events as part of Sound Diplomacy is an official partner with the UN and is dedicated to developing and enhancing socially responsible practices and to reducing the environmental impact of our global events.
& Music Cities Events
Music Cities Events is an official partner and signatory of Keychange’s international initiative empowering women to transform the future of music.
Music Cities Events
Our Guidelines
As well as our focus on the UNSDGs and Keychange initiative we also follow our own set of guidelines.